Our company, Noah’s Ark, is looking to expand our team. However, the costs of acquiring new employees is slowing our growth. To mitigate the travel expenses related to the acquisition of new employees, Noah’s Ark is looking to invest in software that will support a hybrid in-person and remote work environment.
Tech brand 3 pages (7 paragraphs/sections) Use—->SquadPod – https://www.squadpod.com/ as the website your using to look for ways to benefit the company in advertising the company
1. What can the product/technology do (platform capabilities related to your team’s marketing problem)?
2. How does the technology benefit the marketers, solve their problems, or meet their needs?
3. Name of companies or industries using the technology brand.
4. Describe a successful case application similar to your marketing problem (if any).
5. How does the brand differentiate from other competition?
6. Strengths and weaknesses.
7. Explain how exactly the brand can solve your team’s marketing problem/task.