Conspiracy Fact Check Paper

Each student will write a 5-6 page research paper utilizing the media literacy guidelines that we discuss in class. You will choose a popular conspiracy theory, often spread in online informational circles, and analyze the alleged “evidence” in these theories using media literacy guidelines. Students will choose three of the strongest pieces of evidence for the chosen, pre-approved theory to analyze fully and then assess the overall validity of the argument based on the quality of the evidence underlying the analyzed evidence. Rubric: 5 points Background – paper spends no more than one page introducing the overall argument of the theory. What does the theory say? Where did the theory come from? Where (ex. which websites, social media platforms, etc.) did this theory gain credibility or influence? Be sure to include in-text citations for relevant quotes and summaries. 5 points Thesis – paper clearly introduces the three strongest arguments that will be analyzed using information literacy guidelines. The Paper briefly describes the three strongest arguments at the end of the background section. 20 points Evidence Analysis – paper discusses three of the strongest pieces of evidence used to support the validity of the conspiracy theory. Use the four elements for testing credibility of information in order to determine what aspects of each piece of evidence could be credible. Provide a brief statement about whether each source is credible after running through the four questions from the “criteria for testing source credibility” table. Be sure to include in-text citations for relevant quotes and summaries. 10 points Assessment – paper concludes with a clear assessment of whether or not the theory is supported by credible evidence; What does this mean about the validity of the theory overall? What elements of credibility were most helpful in determining the validity of the theory? ( Spoiler Alert: the theory should not be valid, but it’s up to you to summarize why it is not valid) 5 points Works cited – paper includes a properly formatted works cited in APA format that includes 5-7 sources; these can include the sources that have the less than credible evidence necessary for analysis. 5 points Writing — paper is written using appropriate spelling and grammar and clear organization.

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