Mexican American history essays

Portfolio II Instructions

Essential Information

25% of overall grade

2 essays total

3-4 pages each essay

FINAL Due Date: 12/15 (MUST BE UPLOADED TO CANVAS BY THIS DATE). NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. If you have difficulties uploading to canvas be sure to email the entire portfolio to me before the due date expires so that it will be accepted.

Any portfolios submitted after this date will not be accepted.

2 Essays

Select ONE essay question from EACH of the sections below. Each of these two essays should be

between 3 -4 pages in length (approximately 750 – 1000 words). Your reply should state a single thesis, and your explanation should be based on analysis and evidence. You must use, analyze, and cite specific examples from the class readings to support your claims. Keep in mind, however, that while you may draw from lectures and readings in presenting your argument, you must explain in your own words your understanding of the issues. You may approach each of the questions in any way you choose, but remember, this is not a summary, but a critical analysis/reflection!

SECTION ONE: Mexican Independence (PICK ONE)

Write an essay that explores the various socio-political issues that existed in Mexico after 1810 and evaluate whether Mexico was really free Be sure to discuss the impact of 300 years of Spanish colonialism on Mexico’s ability to be independent.

2. In what ways were American policies towards Native American people similar and different to Spain’s policies towards the Native people of Mexico? Be sure to compare and contrast the racial ideologies.

SECTION TWO: Anglo Expansion (PICK ONE)

Compare and contrast the dominant American racial ideology (including Manifest Destiny) towards African Americans, Native Americans and Mexican Americans within the context of American westward expansion. Be sure to analyze the role of racial stereotyping and the manifestation of American government policies.

2. In less than thirty-year’s time, Texas was a province in New Spain, a frontier state of Mexico, its own independent republic, and ultimately the twenty-eighth state admitted into the United States. Explain how this transformation occurred. Was there one key event that signaled the transformation, or was it due to a combination of forces and if so, what were they?

 HINT: Go see a writing tutor. Ask a friend to proof read. Be pro-active by using the check-list provided below and getting help before-hand so that you can turn in a polished, final draft.

The following is a checklist that can help you before submitting your essays.

My paper is/has:

□ A cover page with my name, class/section, assignment, professor names, and date

□ The central question typed at the beginning of each essay single spaced.

□ Formatted with 1” margins all around

□ Double-spaced

□ Printed in 12-point Times New Roman

□ Numbered on all pages

□ Upload both essays as one file (doc or pdf)

□ Spell-checked

□ Carefully edited and proof-read

□ Followed the list of Rules for Formal Essays (no second person, no contractions, etc.)

□ Proper citations for all quotes/ideas from text/lecture. Example: (Acuna, pg. 35)

□ A clear thesis, response to question and supporting evidence from readings & lecture

□ A clear introduction, body and conclusion and clear paragraph structure.

□ Coherent and follows a clear structure.


Be sure to address the following at the end of your second essay:

Based on all of the above, I believe I deserve the following grade and here is my reason:

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