Should we close the border?

Mini Policy Paper: 5 Pages, 12 Times New Roman.


Introduction Your introduction should be about several sentences discussing what is your topic.

 Hypothesis The hypothesis is the problem statement or what you are trying to solve or prove. This section should be about a page and should narrowly define the issue 

 Literature Review A review of the 5 articles you read, pointing out the key ideas and identifying the strengths (what they said) and weaknesses (what they did not say). 

Analysis In this section you discuss your analysis of what the literature provides in terms of the problem statement. You then analysis the information to explain the information that helps solve the problem. 

Policy Options In this section you will discuss as what other policies are available, what are best practices, what are other alternatives to be considered for implementation for improvements, if any. 

Policy Recommendations In this section you think through the recommendations and alternatives, using the methods and ideas from the PSC text. 2 or 3 fully analyzed and thought out

I have uploaded my previous policy paper and this one should be like that.

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