Special Occasion Speech outline

Due on or Before: NOVEMBER 24, NO LATER THAN 11:30PM CT IN ATTACHMENT NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED This assignment will count for 1 grade only TYPED SPEECH-Correct Spelling and Punctuation will count also in the grade. FONT SIZE 12 OR 14. STUDENT CAN SELECT FONT STYLE 

The attached document has a sample to follow when typing out your speech and submitting: The typed speech should be 1 paragraph to 1 page and no longer. No references OR visual aid required.

Make sure to scroll the document as there are choices to choose from. Select from one of the following speeches: 

1. A WELCOME- A welcome speech is one that expresses pleasure for the presence of a person or an organization. In a way, the speech of welcome is a double speech of introduction. You introduce the newcomer to the organization or city, and you introduce the organization to the newcomer. 

 2. TOAST/TRIBUTE- A speech of tribute is one that praises or celebrates someone’s accomplishments. It should be brief. A formal speech of tribute given in memory of a deceased person is called a Eulogy. The key to an effective tribute is sincerity. A Roast is a humorous tribute to a person and is not the same as a toast. 

 3. SPEECH OF INTRODUCTION- A speech of introduction is designed to pave the way for the main speaker. Your listeners want to know who the speaker is, what the person is going to talk about, and why they should listen. It is not an opportunity to air your intimate details or thorough relationship with the person in its entirety without first consulting with the main speaker. 

 4. ACCEPTANCE SPEECH – An acceptance speech is a response to a presentation speech. An acceptance speech and a presentation speech are not the same. The purpose of the acceptance speech is to give brief thanks for receiving the award. You can accept an award on behalf of someone else or an organization or individually – it is your award that you are accepting. 

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