You are a special kind of doctor: a doctor for states. The United States has come in for its annual checkup. Give your report on the health of the U.S. democratic republic today. Comment upon both its foundations and its contemporary situation. As part of your analysis, consider the present level of trust in government, its efforts to adequately represent all Americans, and the results of the midterm election on November 8th. Finally, offer some recommendations or “treatments” which might help improve America’s overall health.
In the you are being asked to identify what the most pressing issues are facing the United States. You may choose to consider the regular protests and racial divisions as something that needs to be addressed. You could decide to focus more attention on the political system itself and whether Americans are losing faith in it (i.e. the electoral process or the elites running it). Or you could rather focus on issues related to the recent pandemic, the environment, gun violence, or the economy. The task is to explain some of the factors that are affecting the health of the democracy and to consider what may be done to improve or resolve them. Some commentary on recent events or debates as well as the November election results is also expected.
incorporates popular sources (i.e. newspapers; reputable websites) and at least one scholarly source
Let me know if you have further questions or concerns.