In this assignment, you are to choose a genetics topic that you encountered this semester that you would like to explore more ( Genetic Mutations) (It will be the 5-point essay.) As you do research for your paper, you may need to tweak it so it is neither too narrow or too broad (more likely). Paper You must use at least 2 review articles, and those articles must be cited according to Nature. Outline of your paper; this does not need to be a formal outline (I. A. 1, etc) Your paper should be a synthesis of the information you find, and written in your own words. This is not a cut-and-paste exercise. Your score on Turnitin is important. Your paper should be 3 pages, with 0.5 inch margins and a 1.5 line spacing. Anything longer than 4 points needs to have prior approval. Rubric: 40 points total Substantial review (within the 3 page limit) = 25 points I am more interested in substance vs. length. Use the information from the review articles (not the words themselves) to convince me that you understand the information that you are putting on paper. Use quotes sparingly. You should not repeat information to fill 3 pages. 2 review article citations, worth 5 points each = 10 points Paper outline = 5 points Due Dates