How Dr. Blee’s positionality shaped her research and ethnographic findings. How does her positionality come through in the chapter? Concepts of emic and etic illustrated in her writings? Describe these concepts & how they figure into Dr. Blee’s writings.

-You should also include a “references cited” page at the end with a bibliography of the sources used in the paper (APA and Chicago Manual of Style formats are acceptable) 

-The text must be Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced with 1 to 1.25 inch margins 

-It must be written in formal, college-level prose, in essay format, with proper punctuation and grammar (no bullet points or short phrases) Use in-text citations only (no footnotes)

This essay:

 is from the reading of the introduction chapter from Inside Organized Racism, by Kathleen Blee.

Also, these are just some additional requirements: You must use at least 3 different readings from the course (each chapter from the textbook can count as a reading, so you can use either a combination of textbook and articles, or you can use 3 different chapters from the textbook)

The Book info:

 Asking Questions About Cultural Anthropology Author:Welsch Edition:2nd

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