WK15: Leadership Portfolio Presentation

The Final Leadership Portfolio provides a compilation of the assignments and experiences in the BAOL Program. By incorporating multiple examples of your leadership projects and assignments, you can visually portray your knowledge of the theories and practices acquired and applied in the program. Add at least five class assignments from LDR4024 (the Leadership Resume and Cover Letter and Effective Leader-based Conflict Resolution Strategies are included in the five), as well as at least five assignments/papers/projects from previous courses that highlight your learning throughout the program. In addition, there may be additional materials you feel that are valuable in terms of your expression about leadership such as articles, projects, or multimedia. Integrate these materials into your portfolio as well. Provide the following for the presentation: In a multimedia format (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.), highlight 3-5 assignments in depth and include:

1.  what the assignment is, 

2.  why you chose it, 

3. what it means to you, and 

4. how you connect it to how you’ve grown as a leader in the program. Be creative with your portfolio presentation and use images, pictures, charts, graphs, etc. to help make your work “come alive.” All ten of your assignments will be reviewed when you submit your final portfolio in Week 15. For the presentation, you will need only need to highlight 3-5 assignments.

   Please check the files for the five class assignments

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