The Long walk home

“Watch The Long Walk Home (1990), which takes place in the South during the 1955-1956
civil rights bus boycott led by Martin Luther King and tells the relationship between Miriam
Thompson, the rich white wife of a narrow businessman, and Odessa Cotter, their black aid
who is struggling to raise her family and whose participation in the boycott makes her arrive
so late and tired that Miriam begins to drive her to work. Explain whether the movie
supports or undermines Hegel’s idea about “recognition” and the origins of the master-
slave relationship.” (Velasquez, p. 115). Also, Odesa and Miriam belong to groups that have
been traditionally oppressed and seen as inferior by a dominant group. How do they
overcome such oppression? What would Hegel or Taylor say about their struggle for
recognition? To write this paper it would help you to read a summary of the master/slave
allegory at

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