Without being too mechanical, be sure to address the following in your paper:
● The Context: When? Where? What was going on?
● Principal Agents: Which individuals/groups cut pivotal figures in the historicization of your project?
● Gaps: History tends to be obsessed with a principal agency. However, we have seen that various other factors are essential to telling the complete story. What do we not know? What communities are erased/ underrepresented in the discourse? What voices and sources may have strengthened your paper?
● 2750-3000 Words (Excluding References)
● At Least 10 Sources
○ At least three primary sources
○ At least three books
○ At least three scholarly articles
○ Chicago Style Citation
● Stand-alone Cover Page
● 12pt, Times New Roman/Arial Font
Rubric: (70 Points)
● Proposal/Presentation: 5
● Content/Arguments: 35
● Structure: 5
● Citations: 5
● Final Presentation: 20
Proposal & Presentation (5 Pts)
The proposal must be between 200 and 300 words. It should serve as a general introduction to the fundamental question(s) you intend to answer and be defined enough to allow your classmates (and myself) to understand and give you feedback.
Approved Proposal:
Of the three major empires in West Africa, Songhai reigned supreme. Superseding the rule of Ghana and Mali. The empire was known for its rapid expansion outwards under the leadership of Sonni Ali, the first king of the Songhai Empire. Due to his leadership, many cities were captured and reinforced including the likes of Timbuktu and Djenne. Although Sonni Ali is a great king, he was accompanied by his general, Askia Muhammad (the first ruler of the Askia Dynasty). Through this, I would like to explore the events leading up to his rule, and why it was so easy for the leaders to accept him when they could not accept the son of Sonni Ali. Not much is known of his life before his service as Sonni Ali’s general. Yet after he ascended power we do know that he took an extravagant pilgrimage to Mecca, a trip that only further added to his name in Songhai when he was named Caliph of Western Sudan. We also know that not long after he returned from his pilgrimage he continued much of the military campaigns set forth by Sonni Ali, with the annexation of Mali-controlled lands in the west and expanding the empire as far as the Atlantic Coast. Not only did he live through the rise of Songhai, but he was also in control at its peak, and I would really love to learn more about how he was able to navigate not only leading a military, but also forming trade connections, putting into place systems of education, and still finding the time to appease the Muslum leaders at the time.